Rabu, 30 November 2016

Men's Just Eat Chips to Lower Weight B

Men's Just Eat Chips to Lower Weight B
Andrew Taylor (36), a man from Melbourne, Australia committed will only eat potatoes for a year to lose weight and improve their health. So far, Taylor admitted that his weight had dropped 11 kilograms. To add flavor, occasionally Taylor added sauces and seasonings in the dish potatoes. The potatoes were also cooked without Minya or not fried. Taylor admitted that he would eat potatoes as much as possible so he would not starve. "" I enjoyed it. It's incredible and I was fine. I also exercise and full of energy, ' "said Taylor. He also had a blood test and claim a share of his health is good enough. Father of one child always publish this experience in social media. However, medical experts do not agree with the strict diet that Taylor lived. According to doctors, in the long run, Taylor risk of disturbances in the gut to colon cancer. "" There is no one food that can give you all the nutrients needed to support your body, '' the doctor told Joanna McMillan. According to him, Taylor was going to get a lot of carbohydrate from potatoes. However, he does not get fat, protein, and all the needed nutrients. If Taylor only eat potatoes, he would be lack of iron, zinc, calcium, iodine, omega-3 fats, antioxidants, and vitamins. "" He did not get enough fiber, but she also had the potato skins. So he may be prone to constipation and hemorrhoids, "" said Joanna. However, Taylor still does not agree. According to Taylor the diet is safe to do and have consulted with a nutritionist.

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